Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Opportunity Meeting for Gold Canyon -We would love to have you as our guest!

Kathleen Quirk, your Gold Canyon Sales Manager, is coming to the Purcellville, VA area to participate in an Opportunity and Area Meeting! An Opportunity and Area Meeting is an open meeting in your area that allows any Demonstrators in the region to attend with their guests so they can learn the benefits of the Gold Canyon Career Plan. We will be covering business-building tips and Kathleen will be discussing effective strategies for the new spring selling season. If you live nearby and can make it to the meeting listed below, we want you there!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Opportunity and Area Meeting

16802 Chestnut Overlook Drive
Purcellville ,VA 20132

Directions from the Leesburg Area:
7 West, exit Burlin Turnpike 287 (Purcellville/Lovettsville)
Turn Left onto 287 (towards Purcellville)
Right on Hirst (this is the first stop light)
Right on Hatcher/ Purcellville Road (this is your first stop sign)
Continue 1 mile and turn Left on Chestnut Overlook Drive
6th house down on the right

R.S.V.P. to:
Jennifer Allen (

Monday, March 9, 2009

How to talk to your kids about disabilities and the importance of inclusion

I have three children, age 9,7 and 5 and they are simply the most loving children I know (of course they are my little jewels). But all joking aside... I have taught my children that it is very important to love and be friends with childern with disabilities. I explain to them that these children are just like them, except they cannot sometimes do all the things that they can do. I have had many interesting conversations with my oldest about the "cool kids" at her school. That is what they call our special needs children in our elementary school. The older students (one of them being my daughter) can go to their room and help with the kids. Playing games with them, reading to them and just being their friend. At the end of last year, my daughter was given a certificate from their room that said thanks for coming to our room and helping us. It was great. When my children see these kids out and about with their parents, they are always running up to them to say hello and ask them how they are doing. Some of the kids cannot talk, or feed themselves, and have severe disabilities, but my children always tell me that those kids are their friends and they show love toward them, and tell other kids that it is not nice to make fun of those children, because the only difference is that they cannot do all of the same things as we can.

One program that my children have be very supportive of is our Prayer Child program with Gold Canyon. Since the beginning of this school year, the Prayer child Foundation has given $5000 to children in my community, through the sales of our candles for kids program. (You can read more about that in one of my other posts on this blog dated Sunday, January 25, 2009.) These children are children that my oldest daughter helped in the cool kids classroom. The money was given to help offset medical bills, and therapy expenses or general needs for the children. My children let everyone know about the Prayer Child foundation and help me with fundraisers with the program as well...

I think that when children are allowed to interact with special needs children, they get a better understanding of what it is like to live with a disability, and they realize that it is OK for them to be different.

My younger two children are always asking questions about people they see in the mall, or at the store, and my oldest is very quick to try to give them an answer that they can understand, and I love that! What better way for them to learn than from an older sibling who has worked in the classroom with these kids.

I am a school teacher and I, of course, am involved with these kids on a dialy basis - either involving them with my kids, or having them help with laundry and sih washing... The kids love that they can be included with the rest of the children and I feel this is the best way to overcome differences - Include them with the other children.

Also - Be Sure to check out the CVS CAREMARK All Kids Can link to the right for more information on this great program through CVS, as well as for more information on the prayer child program.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March Madness - FREE CANDLES

Here are the details: One lucky winner will receive a $10 gift certificate to use on any product in the Gold Canyon Spring Catalog. Leave a comment telling me which Gold Canyon Fragrance is your favorite. Here's how to earn additional entries: 1)Earn a second entry by becoming a follower of my blog and include that in an additional comment (if you are already a follower just let me know in an additional comment). 2)Earn a third entry by registering on my GOLD CANYON WEBSITE(Click on SHOP to the right and then register). Leave an additional comment letting me know you registered on my site. 3)Earn a fourth entry by posting this giveaway on your blog. Leave an additional comment letting me know you posted about the giveaway on your blog , along with a link to the post. Be sure to leave a way for me to get in contact with you if you are the winner. I will randomly pick a winner on Friday, March 20th (using I will accept entries until Friday, March 20th at 12PM EST. I will announce the winner the evening of Saturday, March 21st. Good luck!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

GC Podcast - Great information!

Be sure to check out for great information on Gold Canyon.

I recorded this information for people to be able to listen in at their convenience and then contact the person who referred them to the call - I will hope for great success!

Let me know what you think of the recording!

JEN - Gifts

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Gold Canyon Business Opportunity video

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